Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Welcome to the Club!

Welcome to the official blog-site of the bookwormies! The name had to be bookwormies5 because bookwormies is already taken, and since there are 5 of us (including Hill) we are bookwormies5! I am not sure if this is a private site or not, but I doubt that we will be posting anything too revealing about ourselves right? Just book talk! So ladies, begin the reading and the posting!


Kelsey said...

This is going to be so fun!!!!!!!!!!! the book is interesting so far!!!!!!!1

Giggle Worm said...

Why, hello KK. :) Fancy meeting YOU here.

I've been trying to view Emily's profile all day because she sounds like such an interesting person, someone I'd REALLY like to get to know.... :)

Thank you for inviting me into your party of 5. I will be the very best worm I can be.

That is code for Hillarie, and I will not be sharing any more personal information than that, sicko).

Kelsey said...

since you are giggle worm, I'll be wiggle worm. :)

Kelsey said...

hehehehehhehhee!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brianna said...

I am not sure if I am doing this right since all my instructions on the computer are in spanish. I think that my computer is possessed by a Puerto Rician, it is slow as well. But I will do my best to translate and do what I must to post. Come wind, rain, snow or an unknown language I will blog my little heart out.

On the subject of the book. I recieved it in the mail yesterday and finished Potter. So I am good to read the Compass. I have enjoyed the cover.

Can you all figure out why my name is Slimmy? Good luck and enjoy Arachnid Day.

The PR Beat(or Heat)

giggle worm said...

Hi every one the thing i don't like about this book is that thay say the d word and the h-word anyways the book is great.