Friday, September 14, 2007

End of book two...for real!

So it is almost the 15th of the month which is when we decided to have book two finished. So let's chat! What do you guys think should be the finish date for book three? It is a bit longer than book two, but I think that at this point we are all itching to find out what is going to happen, so let us all know how much time you think you need in each of your busy lives to finish it.
By the way, Happy late Birthday to Slimmy, I hope it was the best yet! Did you do anything fun and exciting?


Padfoot said...

Yeah! when can we begin? Are we going to do it a few chapters at a time? How about 1-10 by the end of the month?

Padfoot said...

I'm currently on chapter 5 and am going to finish to 10 by the end of the month. Are all of you? Why is no one writing?

Brianna said...

I am into the next book. I also could have to ten read by the end of the month. It is getting weird though. I am not sure who to route for. Are ther three sides?

Padfoot said...

So it seems that we're all going to read the whole thing and then discuss. I am only in chapter 10 but i'll be on a plane for almost 3 hours tomorrow so that will help> :) I hear E is almost done and so is B. I guess, happy reading, and we better get this thing down for the next book.:)